
Padam Mobility News

Transporting vulnerable people to vaccination centers: a challenge taken up by on-demand public transport

campagne de vaccination

The vaccination campaign that has started is targeting in priority the most fragile populations. Those for whom the vaccine is the most urgent, those also for whom mobility can be a challenge. The task is to transport these groups to the vaccination sites, which have not been the main concern of those designing public transport systems until now.

The Île-de-France region, in collaboration with the départements, has deployed all its resources to facilitate travel to and from vaccination centers. The region is relying on the departmental PAM (Pour Aider à la Mobilité) networks, which allow people with disabilities of 80% or more to travel around the region.

By also relying on its Dynamic Demand Responsive Transport system, TAD IDFM. This innovation, carried out jointly by the regional authority, Padam Mobility and setec, has already provided tens of thousands of users with efficient public transportation in the low-density areas of the outer suburbs of Paris.

Ultra-fast implementation

Flexible, the Dynamic DRT makes it possible to book a trip between two stops without the vehicle having to follow pre-defined lines or schedules. The transport authority was therefore quickly able to add stops on the Padam Mobility platform to serve vaccination centers in the greater Paris area: in Rambouillet, Saint-Rémy lès Chevreuse, Houdan, Melun, Nemours, Lagny and Pontoise.

In the mobile application, on the website or on the phone, users simply select this new stop, as the transport network has adapted in real time. The interfaces also make it possible to specify whether the user is over 75 years old, a category for which transport to a vaccination center will be free.


vaccination campaign


The dual PAM / TAD IDFM system set up by the region demonstrates the clear synergies between on-demand public transportation and paratransit. TAD makes it possible to offer a service that is both optimized for the community, thanks to algorithms that recalculate routes in real time, and meets the specific needs of each user.


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Find out more about Padam Mobility’s Demand-Responsive Transport offer here.

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Company values that beat the bullshit detector [A 4-step method]

methodo valeurs padam mobility
Step 1 – mapping the concepts
Step 2 – ensuring alignment
Step 3 – synthesizing information gathering
Step 4 – involve everyone in the staging. 

As a preamble to the document that presents its corporate culture, Netflix reminds us that Enron – a multinational that disappeared after a historic financial scandal – had the following values: Integrity, Communication, Respect, and Excellence.

How can we ensure that company values correspond to reality? That they will be lived on a daily basis, and that they support both the vision and the mission?
Today we share our methodology, hoping that you will improve it, and share your improvements with us #share

Where do the values fit in our approach? 

Harold Laswell

Harold Laswell (opposite), the grandfather of corporate communication, defines marketing in the following way: Who says what to whom through which channel for what effect. Values are at the heart of the Who. They will therefore be deployed throughout the model, right up to the effects.

The importance of values in the success of a company has been detailed and popularized by Collins and Porras in Built to last, a must-read for every leader.

Above all, our values are benchmarks that define the right way to act.

Step 1 – individual interviews: mapping the concepts

It is a person recently arrived in the company who carried the approach. With a fresh and naive look, not much parasitized by historical biases. An individual interview with each employee brought out a list of trends and key words, by asking questions such as :
• What best represents Padam Mobility?
• Why is this company incredible?
• What part of your personality exists in Padam Mobility?
• When something works at Padam Mobility, what is it thanks to ?
• And when it doesn’t work ?
• What impresses you most about your colleagues? What do they miss?
• What surprised you when you arrived?

Les valeurs @Padam
The size of the expressions represents the frequency with which they were heard.

If there are only a few of you, you can interview each employee. Beyond 30 or 40, you can focus on historical employees, founders, or very recent arrivals. Those who are not in an in-between situation. You can also send a questionnaire to the entire company.

A synthesis will come up with a list of concepts, carried by one or more people. It is then necessary to define sharp values and avoid a list of good intentions. We wanted values that pass the Bullshit detector. So we gave each value a positive opposite.

For example, to rigor we opposed elasticity. To strength we opposed finesse, to action we opposed reflexion, etc.

The bullshit detector consists of evaluating the impact of a message by asking whether it is opposable. That is, whether someone is defending the opposite of what you say. If not, the message is empty.

For example, “I want to bring unemployment down” does not pass this test because nobody wants it to go up. It’s not a memorable message. “I want to bring down unemployment for the over-55s through assisted contracts over a 5-year period” passes this test with flying colours: others will want to use opposite methods.

Step 2 – The survey: ensuring alignment

We then carried out a survey to all the staff, asking about the values that emerged during the interviews. The survey proposed to place ourselves on an axis between two opposite but positive values. By proposing to each person to evaluate the one they value the most, and the one the company values the most.

Between benevolence and high demands. Between individual responsibility and collective responsibility, between versatility and specialization.

It is essential to ask the teams what the company values. To ensure that management and leadership will embody the values. It would be disastrous to end up with values that only represent the wishes of the teams. And it would be just as disastrous to end up with values that only express the desires of management.

We are efficient because we believe in the values of our mission, both ecological and social. At the core of our action, it is human considerations which welds us on a daily basis. This is where the collective desire to overcome any problem on our path comes from, and the energy deployed to solve it”. Benoit – CTO

18 x2 questions that allowed us to place each of the values and its inverse on axes. Don’t expect your employees to jump for joy, it wasn’t the most exciting part of the process.

But the data collected allowed us to map out our key words and start taking action.

Step 3 – Results and mapping: synthesizing information gathering

This phase took place during an off-site All staff meeting. The right time for the exercise to become collective.
It was therefore a question of placing the results of the survey on a mapping with the following axes:

  • Valued by the employees (+/-)
  • Valued by the company (+/-)

Nightmare zones are the bad news: when Padam Mobility and its employees do not agree on the importance of certain values.
Bottom left, what does not represent us: what Padam Mobility and its employees do not value.
The blue triangular parts are those that only bring together a group between the company and its employees. There will be work on that side.
The upper right triangle therefore corresponds to the positive part of the graph: when Padam Mobility and the team value the same ideas.
We have presented these results to everyone, here are the values that have emerged in our sweet spot:

Sweet spot
These are:
• Adaptation (rather than conviction)
• Resilience (rather than strength)
• Caring (rather than demanding)
• Collective responsibility (rather than individual responsibility)
• The “bulldozer” (rather than the finishing touches)
• Functional (rather than technical)

We have derived strong concepts from them, and synthesized these concepts into 4 values and statements. Your values can be presented by expressions (“Done is better than perfect”, for example), by words, by sentences. Whatever works.

Moving from concepts to the expression of values is key, and there is no good method. A mix of intuition, guts, sincerity. The management, or even the co-founders, will take charge of this step to find the right restitution. Involve the internal comms’ to validate them, not necessarily to define them.


• We evaluate our actions through their impact on users, the environment and the society in which we live.
• We share responsibility. Each task is a collective task. All transport is collective transport.
• We care about interactions within the company, as well as outside. Our reputation has been built on our caring.
• We take a lean approach to what we do. We focus on immediate benefits.

We have chosen to keep 4 of them. It could have been 3, or more, but beware: Netflix has 9, which is too many for us.  Transmitting nine values on a daily basis could dilute the messages.

Step 4 – The exercises: Involve everyone in the staging. 

Presented offsite, these 4 values were the occasion for an exercise by teams of 5 people. For each group, we asked them to define the following values:

• The behaviors that support our values
• Unacceptable behaviours
• A proverb
• A quote
• A real person representing it
• An imaginary person representing it

An hour and hundreds of ideas later, we reached at a synthesis

Example of the Impact value:

Exemple de la valeur impact
You will find on this link the result for the 4 values (do not hesitate to ask for access)
Our culture makes us a sharp, sincere and enduring personality because we aim for long-term success.

Values: What do they promote? 

Together, we share a cultural foundation.

They allow us to know the conditions for long-term success, to define the behaviours and skills we value. In order to target our future employees, and to more easily explain why certain behaviours are not acceptable.
This answers the question, “What happens if the person with the best results doesn’t live up to our values?” Such behavior would jeopardize the company’s long-term success. The answer becomes simple.

How do we make them live?

We mention them during recruitment: when sending their CV, each candidate answers a few questions related to our values. They are always part of the discussions we have with each other during recruitment. During on-boarding, they are re-explained, and each presentation is an opportunity to highlight the agreement between our actions and our values.

The words impact, lean, care, and share come up spontaneously in conversations.

How did we make them last and live? This will be the subject of a future article.

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One step closer to MaaS in Lille

Un pas de plus vers le MaaS à Lille

Keolis Lille, the transit operator of the Illévia public transport network in the Lille metropolitan area has just deployed an integration between its trip calculator and its Demand-Responsive Transport application (developed by Padam Mobility). This integration is done within the application through the Navitia multimodal trip planner, developed by Kisio Digital. 

As of now, the integration allows any user to complete his or her trip by all modes (including Demand-Responsive Transport) at once for a seamless trip to his or her destination.

Improving access to transportation in low-density areas

The Ilevia application provides a complete mobility package allowing the display and booking of trips from other shared mobility applications such as carpooling or Demand-Responsive Transport, as Ilevia Reservation, developed by Padam Mobility.  Access to seamless mobility is guaranteed throughout the entire urban area. By bringing together all possible modes of transport without opposing them, travel for all is made easier and real solutions to territorial and social inequalities are provided.

The MaaS at the service of the user experience

The integration meets the desire of Kisio and Padam Mobility’s mutual clients to integrate all modes of transportation following a MaaS logic. The Ilévia mother app offers a complete mobility package enabling trips booking from other shared mobility apps such as carpooling or Demand-Responsive Transport like Ilévia Réservation.

User experience is now considerably smoother. Users can access all available transportation options in a matter of seconds, and can compare trips to choose their ideal travel option. And this without interruption until the final destination.

This first integration of the Padam Mobility DRT solution in Lille in the Illevia app facilitates access to this new modes of transportation for its inhabitants. The excellent collaboration between the Padam Mobility and Kisio Digital teams enabled us to move quickly. Following a logic of Mobility as a Service (MaaS), the integration of the solutions of the new mobility major stakeholders in our Navitia trip planner is an important area of development to give users more choice by combining more and more means of travel”.

Malik Chebragui, Products and Operations Director at Kisio Digital

Another advantage for the user is that he/she no longer needs to know the exact mode of operation or service area of the DRT service on which he/she will use, as only relevant itineraries are proposed. He/she also no longer needs to know the exact name of the stop closest to his/her destination address.

Boosting ridership

For the Lille metropolitan area, the new integration enables it to make its entire mobility offer, including DRT, more visible, which should boost ridership rates.

It is essential for a company like us to design accessible interfaces. For our clients, this is a fundamental advantage that allows them to make their transportation offer more legible and visible”.

Ziad Khoury, Co-founder and COO Padam Mobility

From a technical point of view, the integration is made possible thanks to deeplinking, which allows the Ilévia mother app to query the Ilévia TAD réservation app, to generate Origin-Destination (OD) searches and to automatically make bookings on the sections served by the DRT and whose use is relevant to the requested trip.

Ensuring a better access to transport in rural areas

Access to a seamless mobility that unites, without opposing them, all the possible modes of transportation makes it possible to facilitate travel for all, providing a solution to spatial and social inequalities and to the climate emergency.

A step closer to the MaaS in Lille


The MAAS in Helsinki, the pioneer of a new urban mobility?

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Padam Mobility offers technological solutions to ensure social distancing in transports

End of stay-at-home order

During the month of May, the population will experience a gradual end of lockdown. Returning to school or to the work, the issue of traveling within safe distances is a challenge.

Transforming bus lines that embark passengers at stops into vehicles that take reservations via mobile app, website or phone, will guarantee social distancing.

This will avoid passengers having to let buses pass because they carry too many passengers. With the right technology, it is also very simple to implement.

It is a matter of accompanying public transport in in the end of lockdown for which it is already urgent to prepare, with ambition and a sense of responsibility. To get out of the health crisis, but also the economic and social crisis we are experiencing.

Grégoire Bonnat, Co-founder and CEO of Padam Mobility

Presented by governments around the world, the end of the saty-at-home order plans set out broad strategic guidelines. Priority subjects: public health, getting people back to work, reopening businesses, schools and transport.

To avoid contagion in metros, buses or trams while allowing citizens to move around, one possible solution may be to transform the usual lines into on-demand transport, easily adaptable and meeting health safety requirements.

Transforming a bus line into a on-demand Transport : a preferred means of mobility to adapt to all demands while ensuring health safety.

On a very simple model, users will be able to reserve a seat on their bus via a mobile application, a website, or a dedicated call centre. The number of seats available in a vehicle at a given time will depend on health constraints. This number could be evolving very easily as the end of the stay-at-home order progresses: technology allows it. Thus, it will be possible to ensure a filling of 20%, then 40%, 60%, and so on until the return to normal. It will even be possible to go back if necessary.

Transportation is guaranteed, there is no more risk of ending up in a full bus, or of having to let it pass without knowing if there will be room in the next one. The transportation offer becomes clear and readable for everyone.

Several customers have already asked us to set up reservation solutions adapted to the specific needs of the period.

From one day to another, we will get instructions related to the opening of this school or that factory. Public transportation must be able to adapt very quickly. On-demand Transport works with an associated software that allows us to foresee and guarantee reservations. It is a tailor-made mobility solution, adaptable in real time and therefore extremely relevant in this context of end of stay-at-home order.

Grégoire Bonnat, Co-founder and CEO of Padam Mobility

End of lockdown and massive influx of passengers: the concern of public transit operators

“Transports are a key factor in economic recovery, but it is particularly difficult to maintain physical distancing and sanitary measures,” introduced the French Prime Minister before detailing future government measures for public transport.

For the entire Paris region, RATP President Catherine Guillouard already explained on France Inter on 24 April that ensuring safe distances would not be feasible, given the hyper-density of the Parisian network: “If we had to apply the rules of social distancing, we would only produce 2 million journeys per day, compared to 8 million with a network supply at 70%. …] We must plead for teleworking and refer to the new mobilities”. Maintained until now at 30%, RATP traffic should increase to 70% from the first day of the end of stay-at-home order. An opinion supported by the UNSA-RATP union, judging that it would be “unmanageable by the company” to police all travellers and committing everyone to take responsibility and to telework as much as possible.

The same concerns and observations were made by other French cities, such as Le Mans and Lyon, which are preparing to reopen 80% of their public transit networks. Last Wednesday (22 April), the SYTRAL president Fouziya Bouzerda presented the measures envisaged during the end of the stay-at-home order to manage the flow of passengers to come: installation of vending machines in metro stations allowing the purchase of kits containing masks and hydroalcoholic gel, installation of automatic disinfecting kiosks and cleaning of trains with virucide.

By offering to reduce and guarantee the number of seats available in the vehicles to respect social distancing, Padam Mobility ensures the continuity of its services in strict compliance with the health measures in force (wearing of masks for drivers, systematic disinfection of vehicles).


Find out more about DRT’s adaptations in times of CoVid 19

Coronavirus : learn how Padam Mobility helps DRT operators to adapt their services



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Public Authorities and Operators make massive use of DRT to adapt to the crisis

Demand-Responsive Transport CoVid 19

In this period of CoVid 19 health crisis, all of the affected countries have largely readjusted their transport offer. Demand responsive transport (DRT) is not exempt to this rule. The flexibility of its operation enables it to respond quickly and efficiently to the travel needs of the healthcare personnel while respecting the security measures in force. A tour of these DRT services that have been able to adapt overnight to the new health context.    

All over France, regular DRT services are adapting to serve healthcare institutions and responding to the caregiver’s rhythms.

In Menton, Zestbus, previously a regular shuttle service dedicated to the inhabitants of the town, has been transformed into a DRT service specially addressed to the carers of the riviera. In Fleurance near Toulouse, the existing DRT service for senior citizens or people with no means of transportation is being reconfigured to transport the staff of public health institutions. In Strasbourg, in the Grand-Est region, the Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeois (CTS), in collaboration with Padam Mobility, has adapted its Flex’hop Z1 DRT service to the needs of hospital staff.The capacity of their vehicles is limited to two people in addition to the driver.

In Saint-Omer, in the Pas-de-Calais region of France, DRT Mouvéo’s service optimization algorithms have been adapted by Padam Mobility to expand the service perimeter and meet new travel needs.

 Some DRT services are created from scratch to improve the mobility of the medical profession.

As is the case in Nice,, where a DRT service has been specifically set up for hospital staff. Open 24/7, the vehicles are operated jointly by the Régie Ligne d’Azur and the city’s taxis.

The Transport of Persons with Reduced Mobility (TPMR) services are also open to the transport of care personnel.

In Bordeaux (Mobibus), Saint-Étienne (HandiSTAS), Nancy (Synergihp), Toulouse (Tisseo), Nantes (Tan), Orléans (TAO), Le Havre (MobiFil), existing MPRT services were opened free of charge – usually 24/7 – to hospital, clinic and Hospice staff. In Grenoble, the Fléxo+ TPMR service open exclusively to caregivers is used on average 130 times a day.

Demand responsive transports that remain open to the general public are organised in such a way as to ensure that social distancing measures are respected.

Ile-de-France Mobilités, the Ile-de-France transport authority, has decided to keep all its DRT (DRT IDFM Padam Mobility) services open after implementing numerous safety and health measures in partnership with local authorities and operators.

In Marne La Vallée, east of Paris, Plus de Pep’s DRT service working with Padam Mobility has been reconfigured by Padam Mobility to no longer offer journeys to or from the market.

In Lyon, the DRT service, TCL on demand, which works with Padam Mobility, the Sytral has reduced the number of seats available in each vehicle to two in order to comply with the 1 metre safety distance recommended by the authorities.

With the reduction in group travel in Bain-de-Bretagne, the community of communes has decided to maintain the Tadi Lib’ demand responsive transport service in the twenty communes of the inter-communal territory for the most vulnerable people. In Morbihan, the town of Auray and Keolis have decided to keep the DRT Auray Bus service open, under the same operating conditions, in particular to facilitate travel for healthcare staff and relatives of isolated people, while reinforcing health rules for the benefit of all.

In the Gard Rhodanien, the bus lines are closed except for transport on demand provided by the UGGO service, intended for people over 65 years of age.

DRT services abroad are not left behind and are also adapting to the health context. 

In York, USA, the DRT Rabbit transit service has implemented strict security measures following Governor Wolf’s recommendations.

In Scotland, 3 bus services have converted to DRT to guarantee service to the territories. In Edinburgh,  Border buses allow healthcare staff to travel free of charge. In Jedburgh and Newcastle, Peter Hogg and Telfords services remain open to all and are accessible by reservation 24/7.

In Padua, Italy, the operator Busitalia has modified its DRT Night Shift service. Initially designed for night travel by students, the service hours have been extended to the whole day.

In Quebec, in the municipality of Charlevoix, the  County Transit service also interrupted its night service to operate from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day. In addition to meeting the travel needs of residents, it provides meals and essential supplies to seniors’ centres.

Local authorities and operators are organized and committed to guaranteeing the continuity of the public transport service in the best possible sanitary conditions and to providing a response adapted to the travel needs of healthcare personnel.  

Thanks to their flexible management, Padam Mobility’s dynamic DRT solutions have proven their efficiency and their ability to adapt to the particularities of these new contexts. The company continues its commitment to develop ever more intelligent and inclusive mobility solutions, more agile and supportive, which will adapt to tomorrow’s world, post Covid-19. 


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Coronavirus: Demand-Responsive Transport operators adapt their services with the help of Padam Mobility


Covid-19: in support of populations, Demand-Responsive operators adapt their services with the help of Padam Mobility.

In the context of the fight against the spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19), the land transport sector has to adapt in order to ensure continuity of service and the transportation of healthcare personnel, in compliance with the measures put in place by the government. The latter is reorganising to limit the movement of citizens to what is strictly necessary, under adequate sanitary conditions. Demand-Responsive Transport (DRT) is a flexible alternative that makes the most of the strengths of public transport. 

Cities are adapting their DRT service to the coronavirus context in France and Italy thanks to Padam Mobility’s technology

Faced with the health crisis and demand from cities and operators, Padam Mobility is adapting its Demand-Responsive Transport (DRT) solutions in France and Italy to ensure reduced travel for citizens and healthcare personnel and to limit vehicle density, both between passengers and between passengers and drivers.

TOD services in France in the context of the coronavirus
  • In Strasbourg, in the Grand-Est region which is the most affected by the epidemic in France, the Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeois (CTS), in collaboration with Padam Mobility, is adapting its Flex’hop Z1 TAD service to the needs of hospital staff. By extending the service time slots and serving essential locations. From 26 March and until further notice, from 5 am to 10 pm every day, the service will also serve the Hautepierre Hospital and the Civil Hospital. During periods of confinement, the Flex’Hop mobile application is adapting to the massive reduction in the number of public transport users and is multiplying its DRT solutions. To make a reservation via the application, all you have to do is enter the date of your ride, the timetable and the number of passengers. It should be noted that in this period of health crisis and in order to respect the measures implemented for social distancing, the capacity of vehicles is limited to two people in addition to the driver, made possible by the limitation of the number of reservations available in the system. Passengers can also book their ride via or the following toll-free number: 0 800 200 120.
  • In Saint-Omer, Pas-de-Calais, the Mouvéo service has adapted its Demand-Responsive Transport (DRT) service. Thanks to an optimization algorithm, Padam Mobility enables the number of buses to be adapted and a better coverage of the territory to enable more extensive travel in the region, where necessary.
  • In Lyon and on the Lyon Public Transport conventional and DRT networks (TCL), the Sytral (Lyon’s Public Transport Authority) has reduced the number of available seats in each bus to two. This initiative makes it possible to respect the 1-metre safety distance set by the government. Thanks to the flexibility of Padam Mobility’s solutions, Lyon’s Demand-Responsive transport allows everyone to be protected.
  • In Marne La Vallée, eastern Paris, Plus de Pep’s has adapted its DRT service to shut down routes to the market in times of coronavirus. Contrary to traditional public transport, changing the routes does not cause any delay or loss of time, quite the contrary. In fact, the Demand-Responsive Transport solutions developed by Padam Mobility and based on artificial intelligence, allow route optimisation and greater flexibility.
Padam Mobility’s TAD solutions in Italy in the context of coronavirus

In Padua, Veneto, at the epicentre of the epidemic in Italy, Busitalia has modified its TAD service originally designed to help students travel at night. Since 17 March and until further notice, in order to help the population and guarantee the most urgent rides, Padam Mobility, in collaboration with Busitalia Veneto and the city of Padua, have agreed to extend the service’s timetable from 6 a.m. to midnight every day. In addition, it has been agreed to set up a website so that users can book a DRT online if they do not have a smartphone to do so via the Padam Mobility mobile application.

Padam Mobility is thinking about the transport of tomorrow

In times of coronavirus, Padam Mobility organizes itself internally to ensure business continuity in the best possible conditions: generalized home-office, virtual coffee machine open to all, or even webinar trainings to facilitate remote meetings. All this is done with a view to transparency and responsiveness. Thanks to accessible and economical technologies, Padam Mobility continues its commitment to develop more inclusive and mobile solutions that adapt to tomorrow’s world, post Covid-19. More agile and more supportive.  More than ever, Dynamic Demand-Responsive Transport solutions are proving their efficiency and their ability to adapt to all contexts.


Find out more about Padam Mobility 

Learn more about the Fair Mobility enabled by the Demand-Responsive Transport

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Padam Mobility joins Drive Sweden

Drive Sweden
Padam Mobility joins Drive Sweden and is now partner of the Swedish program

Launched by the Swedish government, Drive Sweden is a strategic innovation program funded by the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish Research Council and the Swedish Innovation Agency. Its objective: to feed and animate a cross-functional and inter-professional collaboration platform to push the development of sustainable mobility solutions for goods and people.

A solid network of partners to co-construct the mobility of tomorrow

By joining Drive Sweden, Padam Mobility affirms its commitment to the research, development and perpetuation of shared, smart, efficient and connected mobility solutions that are sustainable, inclusive and accessible.

The company joins a network of partners including the biggest actors in the transport and innovation industry (Keolis, Volvo, Bombardier, Easymile, etc.). The program brings together more than 50 actors of different activities: public authorities, cities, academics and a wide variety of companies and start-ups. It creates favorable conditions for collaboration between partners and facilitates the identification of needs and challenges to be resolved in terms of the mobility of goods and people through five themes: Society Planning, Digital Infrastructure, Policy Development, Business Model and Public Engagement.

Padam Mobility will keep consolidating its know-how and will contribute to bring an innovative approach to mobility issues during regular public events. In addition to these events, its teams will be involved in workshops and think tanks on smart mobility, electric mobility, autonomous mobility (in particular the Autonomous Demand-Responsive Transport), MaaS and mobility in peri-urban and rural areas.

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Padam Mobility meets elected officials and users of La Saire

Réunion publique information La Saire

Public information meeting: on January 30, 2020, Padam Mobility, local elected officials and users of La Saire (Le Cotentin, Normandy) met to take stock of the excellent results of the La Saire TAD Demand-Responsive Transport service.

Very encouraging feedbacks

The La Saire TAD DRT service has been very successful. It registered new users every day for around 1,000 trips made each month. Its ridership remained in strong increase and its pooling rate was close to 60%, which is very appreciable in a rural area. Finally, users rated the service on average 4.7 / 5.

Mothers and youngsters are the most satisfied

I think I can speak on behalf of all the mothers in the room who no longer need to bring their children to school, you have changed our lives at La Saire!”. A mother present in the audience.

The service is very practical and very easy to use”. A teenage girl present in the audience.

A service planned to restart and expand

The elected representatives of the Urban Community of Le Cotentin announced that they were studying very closely the follow-ups that could be given to the service. The chances that the service will restart and be extended to new areas in 2020 are great, but the decision must be submitted to the next Community Council for approval. Padam Mobility could continue to optimize its solutions and make them even more suited to the rural characteristics of the La Saire territory.

A DRT service like La Saire TAD has the potential to revive local life. We talked to the users and they told us that it made all the difference, especially for young people. The latter sometimes had no mobility alternative. We can also think of the tourists who get to Cherbourg train station and cannot move without a car to visit this wonderful region. We hope that the restart of the service and its extension will stimulate a real local dynamic and continue to address certain use cases and specific mobility needs”. Andreas Dieryck, Product Manager at Padam Mobility, present at the public information meeting.

A time of exchange between local elected representatives, the media, users and Padam Mobility

The public information meeting organized at the Digosville municipal hall brought together around fifty people. It was preceded by a press point with local correspondents (La Presse de la Manche, Ouest France and La Manche Libre). This was followed by a presentation of local elected officials: Noël Lefèvre, Transport and Mobilities Vice-President at Urban Community, mayor of Saint-Jacques-de-Néhou; Arnaud Catherine, delegate councilor for urban transportation of the Urban Community and Deputy Mayor of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Serge Martin, mayor of Digosville; Evelyne Mouchel, mayor of Mesnil-au-Val; Carole Gosswiller, Deputy Mayor of Bretteville and the Mayor of Bretteville, Pierre Philippart. Keolis (transit operator of the Zéphir network) was also present in the person of Romain Dandois, Marketing Manager.

This public information meeting enabled Padam Mobility to once again present its Demand-Responsive Transport solutions and in particular its optimization algorithms based on artificial intelligence and its user interfaces: application, booking website and call center. The meeting allowed to take stock of the level of deployment of Padam Mobility technology in France and abroad but also to answer questions from citizens on the La Saire TAD network, inaugurated in July 2019 for a first six-month experiment .

Find out more about Padam Mobility solutions

Learn more about the users of the La Saire TAD Demand-Responsive Transport

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Padam Mobility participates for the first time at the 27th French National Public Transport meeting (RNTP)

Demand-Responsive Transport meeting

Alternative mobility is today a major economic, ecological and sociological concern. Thus are held in Nantes from October 1st to 3rd the 27th French National Public Transport meeting (RNTP). Padam Mobility is one of 200 exhibitors, at booth H3-40b. The company provides smart solutions for operational support dedicated to Demand-Responsive Transport. It is spreading more and more in different territories from the Paris region to the international. Its CEO will intervene during the RNTP on October 1st at 11:00 about the conception of efficient Demand-Responsive Transport services.

Providing a sustainable mobility offer to all French citizen

The RNTP meeting’s thematic this year is “Mobility everywhere and for all”. Thus, this thematic underlines the importance of accessibility to efficient and affordable means of transportation to all citizens. Among the related challenges: serving low-density areas, the full coverage of the territory, the financing of infrastructure and their economic model … These challenges are the heart of Padam Mobility solutions.

Making Demand-Responsive Transport services easier and more efficient

Founded in 2014, Padam Mobility uses artificial intelligence to make Demand-Responsive Transport services easier and more efficient for passengers and drivers. Provided as white label, the interfaces are fully customized and are included in the mobility offers proposed by territories or transit operators. Passenger interfaces (mobile application, website or call centre) allow to book, pay and check in real time the location of the vehicles. The driver’s application continuously calculates the best itinerary to answer optimally the user requests while guiding the driver along his route.

The deployment of Padam Mobility Demand-Responsive Transport solutions

Padam Mobility solutions appeal to many territories. Indeed, over the last 4 years, Padam Mobility has already made its users travel 2 million kilometres. Already implemented in many territories such as Sophia Antipolis, Cotentin, Orléans, Lille, Chelles, Meaux, Padua in Italy, in Hong Kong and soon Helsinki and Madrid, Padam Mobility solutions are also being deployed throughout the Paris Great area in collaboration with Île de France Mobilités (IDFM). To introduce its service and its advantages, Padam Mobility will intervene on October 1st from 11am to 11.30am at the Agora on the thematic “Designing efficient demand-responsive transport: issues, methods and little secrets. “

The quality of this meeting is for Padam Mobility the opportunity to go deeper into the challenges related to Demand-Responsive transport and shared mobility. Indeed, participants are more mature on these topics, and we can discuss on the “how” announces Grégoire Bonnat, CEO and co-founder of Padam Mobility

The RNTP meeting showcases the best innovations from all industries of public transport, rail, road and active mobility. Thus, all sectors are presented. The latest achievements in urban, interurban, regional and national travels as well. Over 16,000 m², 6,000 participants, qualified visitors and decision-makers come to discover new mobility solutions.

Practical information
  • 27th French National Public Transport meeting (27èmes Rencontres nationales du transport public RNTP)
  • EXPONANTES, Exhibition Center, Route of St. Joseph de Porterie, 44300 NANTES
  • October 1st: 9:00 – 18:30 / October 2: 9:00 – 18:30 / October 3: 9:00 – 14:00
  • PADAM MOBILITY, booth H3-40b
  • Conference on “Designing efficient Demand-Responsive Transport” at the Agora on October 1st from 11am to 11.30am


Learn more about the advantages of Demand-Responsive Transport

Learn more about Padam Mobility Demand-Responsive Transport solutions

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Padam Mobility keeps deploying its DRT in the Paris region

Transport à la Demande Ile-de-France
With its Demand-Responsive Transport (DRT) solutions, Padam Mobility keeps expanding in Île-de-France and is helping the Paris region to reduce the environmental footprint.

Also known as the “ecological footprint”, the environmental footprint is an indicator that measures the impact of human activities on the environment. Among other greenhouse gas emitting sectors, the transportation one has real ecological repercussions on the atmosphere. In addition to having a harmful impact on nature, pollution from car traffic is also harmful to health. Private cars remains the preferred means of transportation for French people for their short trips, mostly for home-to-work trips. According to a report written in 2018 by the Réseau Action Climat entitled “Transports et Pollutions”, the share of private vehicle use in France is 65% for daily trips (and long journeys), to the detriment of other types of transport mode that are more ecological.

In densely populated areas, road traffic generates very high carbon monoxide emissions. To limit these releases that poison air quality, we must rethink the ways of moving. Committed since its creation to the development of greener and more responsible mobility, Padam Mobility has incorporated the ecological issue into its DNA from its beginnings.

With its dynamic Demand-Responsive Transport (DRT) solutions based on Artificial Intelligence, Padam Mobility is using its expertise to revolutionize everyday mobility. Since the recent adoption of the French Mobility Law (called LOM) on November 19, 2019, Padam Mobility affirms its commitment to act alongside companies and communities to improve the mobility of employees and users between their home and their place of work.

By precisely adapting its offer to the nature and needs of its customers (transit operators and transport authorities, local authorities, companies, individuals, etc.), Padam Mobility questions historical transport patterns, and, among other things, the use of the private car as a mean of transportation.

Padam Mobility’s green figures

In response to the environmental challenge and the ecological transition, DRT is a response that is as relevant as effective in combating global warming. By designing smart, optimized and inexpensive mobility services, Padam Mobility contributes to:

  • Reducing the use of the private car thanks to alternative mobility solutions when conventional public transportation shows its limits. In this way, Padam Mobility has enabled its users to save around 82,000 km of car trips, equivalent to 16 tonnes of CO2 not emitted.
  • Optimizing existing transportation services with smart and dynamic solutions to avoid empty trips and calculate the best routes. In concrete terms, the average pooling rate of Padam Mobility DRT services is 80%. It can reach 92% on the best optimized services.
  • The development of solutions that encourage Padam Mobility’s users to adopt eco-gestures to think about their mobility and choose their itinerary according to their environmental impact. According to a study by Padam Mobility, indicating the most fuel-efficient itinerary to DRT users would, on average, save 500 kilos of CO2 per vehicle per year.
6 new territories in the Paris region covered by Padam Mobility’s DRT solutions

Already present in the Paris region (at Gally-Mauldre, Meaux, Bois-le-Roi, Centre-Essone, Vexin, Nangis, Perthes en Gatinais, Melun and La Ferté), Padam Mobility solutions will soon be deployed in 6 new territories covered by Île-de-France Mobilités (IDFM, the Paris region’s Public Transport Authority). For IDFM, Padam Mobility’s expertise meets the mobility challenges of the Île-de-France region by configuring DRT services adapted to local issues.

Effective from January 6, 2020, this new deployment will concern the following 6 IDFM territories: Nemours, Coulommiers, Gretz-Ozoir-Tournan, Saint Mard, Houdan-Montfort, Rambouillet Ouest.


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