
Île-de-France-Mobilités extends partnership with Padam Mobility for 4 years 

Le réseau TàD IDFM avec Padam Mobility
Carte du réseau TàD IDFM

The Padam Mobility – Setec consortium has once again been appointed by Île-de-France Mobilités to provide the Île-de-France Mobilités on-demand service. The network is currently probably the largest on-demand transport system in the world.

Île-de-France Mobilités currently deploys Padam Mobility’s on-demand solutions in around 40 territories. By 2022, a total of around 390,000 passengers have been transported using the on-demand services. Now, Île-de-France Mobilité is expanding its collaboration with Padam Mobility and Setec. The collaboration includes consultancy on improving the on-demand network as well as support for operational management and quality assurance of the services. The agency R3LIEF will take care of the communication measures for the introduction of new and existing on-demand services in the area of operation.

The DRT service launched by Île-de-France Mobilités is unique in Europe and one of the most extensive on-demand services in the world. It provides answers to the challenges of areas with low population density and poor access to regular infrastructure. The example of Île-de-France Mobilités shows very well that on-demand transport brings multiple advantages of a social, environmental and economic nature.

Shared and intelligent mobility or the necessary transformation of our mobility behaviour

There are many people who move from the city centre to the suburbs. There, however, the public infrastructure is usually much worse developed. As a result, the car becomes the main means of transport, which is not always convenient in times of rising fuel prices. One way to relieve people and offer them flexible public transport is to introduce on-demand transport.

In Greater Paris, an area of 12,000 km2 and 12.2 million inhabitants, the issue of transport is a major challenge. The investments required to provide the area with public transport throughout are considerable. In addition, the people’s expectations are very diverse.

Starting in 2019, Île-de-France Mobilités has relied on Padam Mobility’s highly flexible Transport-on-Demand solution to offer customised solutions to residents of the least densely populated areas of the Paris region and to complement regular transport services. Today, the on-demand service of Île-de-France Mobilités is a central link in the region’s public transport system. This is also reflected in the figures:

  • +900,000 passengers transported by public transport in the Île-de-France region since the launch of TAD IDFM in 2019,
  • 36 areas served, i.e. almost 620 municipalities, including 120 stations,
  • A fleet of more than 120 vehicles,
  • Up to 56,000 passengers are transported per month.

TAD Île-de-France Mobilités: From experiment to service expansion

For about four years, Île-de-France Mobilités has been committed to shared, integrated, inclusive, smart and sustainable mobility through the provision of on-demand transport. Padam Mobility and the engineering firm Setec were commissioned with the planning and implementation.

In order to provide the best possible service, Padam Mobility, together with Île-de-France Mobilités, has developed a feature that is unique on the market: the multi-territory function. This feature makes it possible to manage different on-demand services on the same platform, even if they cover different territories. The multi-territory capability is essential for coordination on a regional level. In this way, different providers and use cases can be integrated step by step for the entire Greater Paris area.

In 2022, more than 10 new areas were served by the Île-de-France Mobilités on-demand bus service: Bassin Chellois, Dourdan, Étampes, Etrechy-Lardy, Essonne Sud Est, Créçois, Courtabœuf, Meaux & Ourcq, Val d’Yerres, Saint-Germain – Boucle de Seine, Plateau de Bièvre, Domont, etc. The service is considered one of the most flexible and largest on-demand transport networks in the world.

DRT Île-de-France Mobilités is a forerunner of what flexible mobility will be in the future. A mobility that is able to adapt to the needs of users and territories. Thanks to our technological expertise and know-how in the public transport sector, we can help Île-de-France Mobilités to position itself at the forefront of the market.”

Grégoire Bonnat, CEO and Co-Founder of Padam Mobility

About Padam Mobility, a Siemens Mobility Company

Since 2014, Padam Mobility has been developing digital solutions for dynamic, on-demand transport to transform peri-urban and rural areas and bring communities closer together. To this end, the company offers transport operators and municipalities a software suite with intelligent and flexible solutions that improve mobility where demand is low. The suite is based on powerful algorithms and artificial intelligence. Padam Mobility has been part of the Siemens Group since 2021 and complements its portfolio of digital transport and mobility solutions.

About setec its, a subsidiary of the setec Group

setec its specialises in the development of mobility and urban transport technology on a national and international level. The company designs and develops intelligent transport services, systems and infrastructures. It also advises its clients on their strategic challenges at a high technical level. setec its accompanies 360° mobility and transport authorities, local authorities, financiers, manufacturers and industrial companies in mobility and transport projects. Since its foundation, setec its has been pursuing new innovations: Digitalisation of services (MaaS), decarbonisation of mobility, connected and autonomous vehicles, digital engineering (simulations, BIM & 3D+, AI, …).

About R3LIEF

R3LIEF, an independent and innovative communication agency, accompanies various players in the field of mobility in France, Switzerland and Belgium. Marketing and communication consultancy, graphic design studio, web solutions, passenger information and much more – R3LIEF has developed a range of services specifically tailored to public transport companies and operators.

About Île-de-France Mobilités

Île-de-France Mobilités designs, organises and finances public transport, new forms of mobility and sustainable mobility for the Paris region. At the heart of the Île-de-France transport network, Île-de-France Mobilités unites all stakeholders (passengers, elected representatives, developers, transport companies, infrastructure managers, etc.). Led by Valérie Pécresse, President of the Île-de-France Region, Île-de-France Mobilités is made up of the Île-de-France Region and the eight departments of Île-de-France. Thus, the vision of the entire transport system of Île-de-France (train, RER, metro, tram, T Zen and bus) is united under one brand.


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