Padam Mobility’s Demand-Responsive Transport software solutions are now referenced on digitalmarket place, an official online service for UK public sector organisations to find people and technology for public digital projects. Services that have been selected can be searched by free text search as well as by continual narrowing of the field using various search criteria such as business impact level supported, cost, deployment model.
Padam Mobility designs and develops smart and dynamic Demand-Responsive Transport solutions using foolproof routing and pooling algorithms. Our mobile apps, simulation and management interfaces are tailored to the needs of our customers: Transit Operators, Transport and Local authorities, private companies, in the interest of users and territories.
This is not the first time the company’s digital solutions have been selected by government platforms. In France, Padam Mobility is listed on the France Mobilité (French Mobility) website, which promotes French innovation by building on existing good practices and aims at federating a national ecosystem of mobility stakeholders. Since January 2020, Padam Mobility is also referenced on the French Union des Groupements d’Achats Publics (UGAP) platform, a public industrial and commercial establishment, which provides a catalogue of more than 1 million active references from 2620 active markets, complemented by a portfolio of advantageous services.
For operators and public authorities, it proves Padam Mobility is a trustworthy partner. It also makes our solutions easier to discover and to buy.
Find out more about Padam Mobility
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